Saturday, October 17, 2015

Celebrate good times

Disneyworld.  It's scheduled.  So excited to go there over Thanksgiving!  We will be going to NC first, then driving down to Florida with all but one brother and his family on my side.  I am SO excited.  

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Chemo 12: LAST ONE

My friends and neighbors gathered outside to surprise me AGAIN with a send off for my last chemo. Such a sweet thing and means so much to me. 

My mom came with me for this one.  I wanted her to see what it was like and experience it with me.

On our way up we saw a peacock-- that's got to be good luck of  some kind.

Got to the check in desk-- my appointment wasn't in the system! Are you kidding me? For my last one?! Luckily, it wasn't a big issue, they just called my nurse to make sure I was in need of chemo that day and fit me right in.  

It went fast. I got to ring the gong.  (They forgot to give me a certificate for completing chemo-- oh well.)  And then---It was so nice to get out of there!  Even though I felt gross, I couldn't stop smiling as I walked out of the building.  PEACE OUT!   

I know that there is a chance that I could be back, but as for right now, I'm going to live as if I'm Cancer free until I'm told otherwise!    Time to PARTAY!  

Next up-  Girls weekend, Halloween, parties, North Carolina, Holden Beach, Disney World then My scan first week in December. 

....and yes, I did do a happy dance once I got home.  Brett said that I was weird and didn't want to do it with me.  Ha. 

Monday, October 5, 2015


I'm laying in bed on the night before my last chemo treatment and I can't put a finger on how exactly I feel.  

It's been a long day coming and I thought I would be more than thrilled for this moment!

I can't help but worry that this was enough or that it will come back or that this chemo session will be awful like some a few months ago. 

I realize that I can't control what's going to happen, but I can't help but worry!  It's probaby the nightly anxiety talking.  Hopefully in the morning I'll be more ready for this!

I do know that God is over all.  Everything will work out in the end---even if the end is not in this life! 

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