Sunday, May 3, 2015

My name is April and I have Hodgkin Lymphoma

While I was in the recovery stages from the biopsy, I was called by the office I had gone to previously on Friday and the nurse said that I indeed had what they were thinking.

I have Hodgkin Lymphoma. I have cancer.


I told them, "Hey thanks, but I'm going to go a different oncologist now."

During my biopsy day, Brett arranged to have me go up to a cancer center a Luke bit further away from me.  Apparently they are well known for being great at fighting cancer and my new doctor, expertizing in lymphomas.

Now, when they tell you that you have cancer, it's not only your problem.  It's a whole heck of trial for your husband as well.  Children, parents, in laws, other family members and friends are affected too.  So this title should read "We have Hodgkin lymphoma."

Or-  it's not Canceri, it's canceroUS. 

I need to do better at saying the "we" because it's not just me that has to suffer.  I get all the attention, but Brett is doing soooo much too.  He was not trained to be a mom, but now he's taking on the job full time for a while when I'm down, plus working, plus making sure I'm staying alive. 

I sure do love him.  This is something that is going to make us so much stronger as a couple. 

So if you see Brett, give him a really awkward hug.  He'll love it.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, April. I've been avoiding reading this since you posted it to Facebook. And for good reason too. I knew I would sob the whole way through it and I did exactly that. I read every post and so much of it spoke to me in ways that will help me with my own personal trials. You have an amazing outlook on this and I commend you for that. It's not always easy to see the good things when fear and the unknown are at the forefront screaming in your face that nothing is more important than them! I know today was your first round of chemo and you've been on my mind a lot. I hope you're doing okay and know that you're in my prayers.You can do hard things! :)


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