Monday, May 18, 2015

Cancer Deck

Remember that awesome vacation (Bahamas cruise) Brett and I were going to go on in a couple weeks?  Well, we got all that money refunded and instead, Brett is going to build me a deck out back! He's a stud. 

Although I would have loved to go to the Bahamas,  the deck is something I can enjoy now. 

We are calling it my cancer deck. 

My kids LOVE to be outside (just like their mama).  If it's nice outside, they are begging to be out there.  I've been able to sit outside and watch them often.  I have to cover myself because the chemo makes you burn easy, but it's so nice to get some fresh air.  

I haven't been able to go running yet,  just small walks because I don't have very much energy.  It's just like pregnancy---a really intense pregnancy! haha. 

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for a deck! When is Brett going to work on it? Ben would love to come help.


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