Sunday, August 23, 2015

Chemo 8

I think these 2 weeks have been the longest so far. 

If I chose to do radiation, I would be done with chemotherapy right now!!!!  But, this will be better in the long run for me. 

It was a pretty good round.  I didn't meet with my doctor, and they were really fast!  I came home from chemo and took a really long nap.  Usually I'm not able so sleep right after chemo, so that was a good sign. 

I scheduled the kids swimming lessons for this week, so my mom and I took them.  I didn't need to go, it was just nice to get out of the house, even though I was a chemozombie.

CHEMOZOMBIE- (Noun) A person who has just had chemotherapy.  They may be weak, tired, and nauseous. Eyesight may be compromised and they may have an overall feeling of being out of it. Appetite loss, weird tastes, aches, and sleeplessness are also very common.

Sadie also started soccer.   These little things are helpful distractions from the not so fun side effects chemotherapy brings.

There was one night this past week where I was looking in the mirror and I just thought to myself, "wow, I have cancer."  I have that horrible disease that takes over people's bodies and kills them.  I am fighting this nasty killer off.  It was a surreal moment.  And it's crazy that it's still surreal because I don't feel that well and I have no energy.  You think that would be a constant reminder. 

But I guess it's not like I look at this whole experience as killing me.  This is not how I will die.  I will fight, survive, and come out stronger and better. 

I was concerned this week because I was having pain where my tumor was or is (maybe it's all the way gone right now....that'd be cool.)  My arm even went a little numb here and there.  The Dr. said it may be because of blood flow and because it's breaking up the tumor that's lining the wall of my heart.  I hope everything is still ok and working.

This is a picture of my port "Accessed." 

I was heart attacked by someone.  It was such a fun surprise.  My favorite is the "poo poo on cancer" haha

And yeah.... I thought this was funny.  And true! I can-cer vive! 

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