Friday, September 4, 2015

Chemo 9

On a scale of 1-5 (1- easy, 5-hard)  this round has been for the most part a 3.  (We'll talk about the for the most part in a minute.)

I was super groggy and slept a lot the couple days after.  Like more than usual.  

Seems like a couple days after I get chemo is the hardest---probably because that's when everything hits and I'm wiped out and sick to my stomach.

GOOD NEWS--- Doc took one of the chemo drugs (bleomycin) out of my regimen for the rest of the time! I've been having a cough and phlegm and that was enough concerning for him to get rid of it. Bleomycin can take a toll on your heart and lungs. I just hope and pray that what I'm doing will be enough to get this cancer gooonnnne. 

I decided to start watching the Harry Potter movies again.  I'm on number 5 already, so that's pretty cool.  

We got Sadie to stay at a friends house AND go to her church class by herself.  This is big guys.  I'm hoping that her anxiety about leaving me will pass.

 I did have some major issues with the bowels this time around---lots of pain.  I ended up seeing a general surgeon, but he said there's really nothing they can do right now (and proceeded to tell me a story about a guy he did surgery on years ago that was going through chemo and was neutropenic--he died 48 hours later) WHY would he tell me that?! Thanks dude for the happy story.  So I guess I won't be having surgery for a while-- but he gave me stuff to hopefully fix the issues so surgery may not even have to happen!  Woot woot!

I love you all and thank you for being a part of my journey!

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