Monday, April 27, 2015

Let's get things movin

Over the weekend, I was in a lot more pain.

I don't know if it's because I know that there's something growing inside me that shouldn't be or what but, my left arm was almost useless at some points.

I told myself "You know....I have cancer and I want to get going on this"  so, I called the doctor today and told them that I needed to see the surgeon for the consult sooner (they scheduled it for Thursday)  so that meant that the biopsy would be a few more days after that, then results, then oncologist appt, then whatever and whatever-----  We were looking at like three more weeks of waiting and tests probably.

No way.  I decided to fight, and guess what?   They moved my appointment with the surgeon up to tomorrow. Even though it's my GOLDEN BIRTHDAY tomorrow, I'm happy to get things rollin a bit faster.

Lesson learned-  If it's not when you want or how you want, push and fight.

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