Friday, June 26, 2015

The Port

It's in! It's done! It's all good!

Waiting is a huge part of the cancer game.  Yesterday was no exception.  We were at the hospital for over 5 hours waiting to get this thingy placed.  But, all in all, I'm glad it's done, the kiddos got to play all day with their cousins (my sister in law came down and watched them for us), and getting chemo should be tons easier now.  

Even though it was through radiology, they treated it just like a surgery where you have pre-op and post-op.  It seemed way more laid back there though.  I was in "pre-op" for a lot longer it seemed-- I didn't get a picture of my gown this time.... It may have been uglier than the first one!  Whoever made "one size fits all"  clearly did not think about women my size or smaller.  But, I have to tell myself it's not about making a fashion statement, I'm here on business!  (Just kidding-- having a bald head clears out most of the "trying to fashionable" in me.)

Whoever ordered the port placement for me--my doctor, nurse, or NP-- ordered a double one to be placed.  WHAT?  It's already a little tumor looking thing, but to have double the size?  I wasn't so sure...   I asked why and they said that I was a "hard stick."   Funny, because they've never had issues with getting an IV in me.  My veins were just in a lot of pain and clotting. So I requested to have them talk to the doctor again and tell him that I didn't want 2.  I was proud that I stood up for myself.  I don't want to make more damage than I needed to.  

They didn't put me all the way under this time. I remember the surgery and I remember feeling like I talked the whole time. I felt like it was five minutes, but they told me it had been 45! Ha-ha. I think that was the best and most relaxed I have felt since this I've done this whole shabang. It was like happy gas but soo much better. I think they need to give you that stuff every time you do chemo.  I'm going to suggest it to my doctor.  

But now, I'm just sore and my chest is tender. 

Next step- I have my mid PET scan on Monday. 

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