I met with my doctor today to discuss the results from my scan. I don't think I was ever as ready to walk into the cancer hospital as I was today. I had my port accessed for the last time to get lab work done and then they made me wait an HOUR to meet with the doctor. I was so fidgety and ready to hear the results. Apparently they forgot about me because when I reminded them, they got me back asap. I guess when you are towards the end of your treatment they put you on the back burner (remember how they forgot about my last chemo appt?) hahaha.
Justine, who is my favorite--- she is the girl who always takes me back, was so fun to talk to as usual. I'm glad that they hire such fun and happy people. It really helps. I've learned to remember to say thanks when people are great and happy to do their job. I think it helps them on days where it's hard.
When the Dr. came in, I told him I was nervous and he said "There's nothing for you to be nervous about, it looks great." I guess it wasn't the "HOORAY YOU'RE CANCER FREE!" that I was expecting, but i'll take it. He talks to several patients daily and has to give good news and bad news, so I'm sure that's why he puts on a game face. I'm glad he's smart and good at his job!
In hindsight I probably should have asked him to get in on my happy dance! HAHA.
We looked at the scans and he explained why it still looks like I have a little tumor (scar tissue), but it's not cancerous. He also told me that my white blood count is still low, but it's rising! My thymus glad was a little swollen, which is normal for my age and what I went through. He wants to do a CT scan in 6 months just to make sure something didn't change with that.
So I set up an appointment for blood work and a visit with my doc in 3 months! HOORRRAYYYY!
Next step is to get this port out! I thought it would be months until I got this litte thingamajigger out, but nope! I get it out in 2 days! Whooop whoop!
(Que Destiny's Child-- "I'm a Survivor" and have your own dance party.)
Here's a picture of me when I first met with Dr. Sweetenham vs. the day I was told I was cancer free! Hair vs. no hair. (About 7 months apart)
Here are my scans all lined up by eachother. |
Peace out cancer! |
Remember to smile! Life is great and a smile is a little gesture that could help someone a long way!